Questions and Answers

June 28, 2016 at 5:14 PM

Below you will find a list of questions that were asked in the past by other users. Please search for your answer below before submitting your question. You can use the search box below to search for answers. Please be patient for the answer.

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Amen to my own Bracha
ResolvedRabbi Alon Anava answered 7 years ago • ,
1997 views1 answers0 votes
Dealing with hard times
ResolvedRabbi Alon Anava answered 7 years ago • ,
1489 views1 answers0 votes
Does my birth date mean anything?
ResolvedRabbi Alon Anava answered 7 years ago • ,
1791 views1 answers0 votes
Am I a Jew?
ResolvedRabbi Alon Anava answered 7 years ago • 
1409 views2 answers0 votes
Zera levatala not for procreating
ResolvedRabbi Alon Anava answered 7 years ago • ,
2959 views1 answers0 votes
Fixing pgam ha’brit??
ResolvedRabbi Alon Anava answered 7 years ago • ,
1668 views1 answers0 votes
Matanot L’Eviyonim
ResolvedRabbi Alon Anava answered 8 years ago • , ,
1263 views1 answers0 votes
Free will
ResolvedRabbi Alon Anava answered 8 years ago • , ,
1398 views1 answers0 votes
Doubts in the existence of Hashem
ResolvedRabbi Alon Anava answered 8 years ago • , ,
1943 views1 answers0 votes