Dealing with hard times

November 16, 2016 at 7:28 PM
Plonis asked 7 years ago
Hi Rav. I'Ve been going through a hard time and have been listening to your shiurim and have tears in my eyes most of the time. I'm also 28 and feel like If chas veshalom something happened to me, I'd be going up empty handed - the irony is im frum and have been for many, many years...
1 Answers
Rabbi Alon Anava answered 7 years ago
Shalom, I hope this message will find you well and in good spirit, as Hashem wants us to be happy even if life does not always shine on us. We are commanded to serve Hashem Be'Simcha (In happiness) and often Hashem will test us by giving us a challenge to overcome. The test is not necessarily to over come the challenge, rather to see if during the challenge we keep the smile on our face. There are many reasons why Hashem will make life a bit hard and we are obligated to still have faith and keep serving Hashem with happiness. I am sure by you being frum, that you are not empty handed and as our sages say, we are full of Mitzvot like a pomegranate. You might not think that, but I am sure Hashem values all you do very much even if you think it's not enough. When one feels they are not doing enough, that is a very good sign that needs to motivate you to do more and better. Most people think they are doing great while they need to do much more. You should use this feeling to encourage yourself to grow spiritually and closer to Hashem. You should take the time to watch a few classes I have on this website to help see things more clear. One class is about Why does life have up’s and downs? and can be watch by clicking here The other is about Dealing with Life’s challenges and can be watch by Clicking here The other is about How can i stay inspired in Avodat Hashem? and can be watch by Clicking here I hope these classes will shed some light and make things more clear. Please remember that Hashem LOVES you very much and value every act you do even if you think it's worthless May Hashem bless you with great success and happiness All the best Alon Anava