Can Teshuvah Be an Obligation?
“…And you will return to Hashem your G-d, and you will listen to His voice…” – Devarim 30:2 וְשַׁבְתָּ עַד ה’ אֱלֹקֶיךָ וְשָׁמַעְתָּ בְקֹלוֹ – דברים ל, ב The Sefer Mitzvos Katan (#53) interprets this verse as a command to do teshuvah; meaning, one has a positive obligation to repent, and has neglected a mitzvah if he does not. Others, however, […]
When the Gates of Teshuvah Close
If G-d hardened Pharaoh’s heart, effectively removing any chance he had to regret and abandon his past decisions, then why was Pharaoh punished? He was not given a chance to mend his ways! Rav Shimon ben Lakish answers this question in the Midrash (Shemos Rabbah 13:3). He explains that Pharaoh was “struck” by G-d with remorselessness only because he […]
The Time Machine
“…Return, you mischievous children…. (Yirmiyahu 3:22) ״….שובו בנים שובבים….״ – ירמיהו ג,כב׳ The Talmud (Yoma 86a) interprets this verse as saying that if you return to G-d out of love, your sins of the past will be reckoned by G-d as mere immaturity and foolish mischief. Commenting on this passage, Rashi observes that the effects of teshuva, repentance, are […]
How to take advantage of Yom Kippur
How to take advantage of Yom Kippur and make sure we erase our sins In this video we cover a bit how to prepare for Yom Kippur according to Gemara and Chasidut. All about removing and cleaning our sins. How to do Teshuva. Although the video is about Yom Kippur it is recommended to watch it for anyone who is […]
The Right Yom Kippur Outfit
The golden garments are not worn by the Kohen when he enters the innermost chambers (I.E. The Kodesh Hakodashim, holy of holies)….. when wearing the white garments, he may enter the innermost chambers…..(Talmud, Yoma 32B) בגדי זהב שאין כהן נכנס בהן לפני ולפנים . . בגדי לבן שנכנס בהן לפני ולפנים – יומא לב, ב Throughout the day of Yom […]
Find and Go Seek….
“….Seek G-od when he is found, Call him when he is near……” (Yeshayahu 55:6) ״….דרשו ה׳ בהמצאו קראהו בהיותו קרוב….״ – ישעיהו נה׳, ו׳ The Talmud (Rosh Hashanah 18a) states that the time when “G-d is found” (which is thus the best time to “seek Him”) is the ten days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Simply understood, this means […]
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