Questions & Answers for Rabbi Alon Anava

Below is a collection of questions that were asked in the past and were answered by Rabbi Anava. You can listen to the answer by clicking the orange play button or watch the video by clicking the blue text.

To view a video grid page of the Q&A Click here


Q: How to deal with Issues With Improper Internet Contact?

I had and still do a bit, issues with improper internet contact. Do you think I can become something big in torah and Yiras Shomayim?

Answer: click below to play the Audio of the answer



Q: How To Beat OCD?

Someone I know suffers a lot from OCD. Is there anything he could do to make it better or make it go away?

Answer: click below to play the Audio of the answer



Q: Does little acts have importance in G-od eyes?

Answer: click below to play the Audio of the answer  |  Click here to watch the video



Q: Why Every Erev Shabbat Things Go Wrong? Is G-od testing us?

Answer: click below to play the Audio of the answer  |  Click here to watch the video



Q: Should I Deal With Toxic Family Relationships?

In many events we have to deal with toxic family relationships that can cause an event or holiday meal to go bad, how should we deal with it?

Answer: click below to play the Audio of the answer  |  Click here to watch the video



Q: Can I help my chlid that has ADD and ADHD?

Doctors and therapists failed to help and/or come with a cure other then chemical pills…that only shut down the system and numb the nerves. what can I do to help my child?

Answer: click below to play the Audio of the answer  |  Click here to watch the video



Q: Why is G-od punishing me?

Answer: click below to play the Audio of the answer  |  Click here to watch the video



Q: How Do You Become Religious In The Middle Of Your Life?

Answer: click below to play the Audio of the answer  |  Click here to watch the video



Q: Kriat Shma Al Hamita – Am I allowed to speak after Hamapil?

Answer: click below to play the Audio of the answer



Q: Can a teenage boy have a conversation with a girl?

Answer: click below to play the Audio of the answer



Q: I did Teshuvah and now my whole world is falling apart – WHY?

Answer: click below to play the Audio of the answer



Q: Can a person use English to pray in Amidah or Tehillim?

On prayer can a person use english to pray in Amidah or Tehillim when is hard for the person to attach an understanding to Hebrew words or it has to be in Hebrew?

Answer: click below to play the Audio of the answer



Q: How can I serve G-od when all I feel is that I am a looser?

Answer: click below to play the Audio of the answer



Q: What is “Kaf Hakela”? 

Answer: click below to play the Audio of the answer  |  Click here to watch the video



Q: What happens to people who have attempted suicide? 

Answer: click below to play the Audio of the answer  |  Click here to watch the video



Q: How did the angel of death communicate with you? was it like a thought?

Answer: click below to play the Audio of the answer  |  Click here to watch the video



Q: How did you quit smoking? was it a miracle or G-od’s Hand? 

Answer: click below to play the Audio of the answer  |  Click here to watch the video



Q: How great is Gan Eden (heaven)? 

Answer: click below to play the Audio of the answer  |  Click here to watch the video



Q: Are you judged for sins you did not know you can’t do?

Answer: click below to play the Audio of the answer  |  Click here to watch the video



Q: How can I be happy knowing my loved ones are not going to Gan Eden?

I also became Torah observant and my family is not observant. How am I supposed to live a happy life knowing that my family will be punished in Olam Haba for not keeping the Torah and knowing that they will Chas Ve’Shalom not be with me when Messiach comes because they weren’t Torah observant even though they know most of the laws of the Torah?

Answer: click below to play the Audio of the answer  |  Click here to watch the video



Q: Why do you get punished If you were born Into a non religious family?

Answer: click below to play the Audio of the answer  |  Click here to watch the video



Q: 4 questions about Rabbi Anava’s Near Death Experience 

1. Did you see any of your loved ones that have already passed away?
2. When you saw your life “flash” before you – Obviously you had forgotten a lot of the memories from when you were a little kid, now that you got to see that again have you retained those past memories?
3. When we speak of Gehinnom (Lo Alenu)- Is that the “black thing” that you speak of, or is it the “realization” that you’ve arrived “naked”?
4. I’ve also heard that during the “Court case” there are Tzaddikim that are still alive (in this world)that act as judges – did you experience that?

Answer: click below to play the Audio of the answer  |  Click here to watch the video



Q: 4 questions about Rabbi Anava’s Near Death Experience 

1. Most Rabbaiem and poskim today say that Jews who grew up in a secular environment have a status of a tinok shenishba. That they are not liable for their averot since they were never given a proper Jewish education. Yet, your background makes it seem like you were also a inok shenishba, yet your story indicates that you were severely judged in shamayiem as someone who “knew better.” Do you know why this was the case?
2. The period of darkness upstairs that you described sounds like the punishment of kaf hakela “slingshot”. Do you think that this is what it was from your experience.
3. Have you seen the other NDEs such as “the seal of truth” and Moshe Levy’s “The End” Did you experience some of the things they did?
4. Do you think know if the righteous (Merits greater than sins) go through a similar suffering (i.e. the black place) before they get to the beit din l’malla, or do their merits protect them from that?

Answer: click below to play the Audio of the answer  |  Click here to watch the video




