Treasure Land
“…When you come to the land of canaan… and i will place a lesion of Tzora’as upon a house in the land of your possession…” – Vayikra 14:34 כִּי תָבֹאוּ אֶל אֶרֶץ כְּנַעַן . . וְנָתַתִּי נֶגַע צָרַעַת בְּבֵית אֶרֶץ אֲחֻזַּתְכֶם – ויקרא יד, לד When tzora’as appeared on a person’s skin, its initial and most obvious effect was the impurity […]
Keeping Your Head Underwater
“…He must immerse all his flesh in water – Vayikra 15:16 וְרָחַץ בַּמַּיִם אֶת כָּל בְּשָׂרוֹ – ויקרא טו, טז The Torah’s laws concerning ritual impurities and their means of purification are in the category of chukim, divine decrees that transcend any reason or understanding. Nevertheless, writes the Rambam, there is an important lesson in character development hinted by one of […]
Skin Deep
“…This shall be the law of the Metzora, on the day of his purification…” – Vayikra 14:2 זֹאת תִּהְיֶה תּוֹרַת הַמְּצֹרָע בְּיוֹם טָהֳרָתוֹ – ויקרא יד, ב The Talmud (Sanhedrin 98a) records a conversation between Eliyahu Hanavi and R’ Yehoshua ben Levi regarding the whereabouts of Moshiach. Eliyahu tells R’ Yehoshua that Moshiach can be found at the entrance to […]
Parashat Shemini – What’s the deal with Kosher animals??
One of the most dominating parts of an observant Jew’s life is his diet. All food must be Kosher in-order to be eaten. But why? what’s the deal with Kosher food? does G-d really care what I eat? and if so, then why non Jews are not obligated to eat Kosher? All that in this fascinating video by Rabbi Anava […]
Ready or Not
“…This shall be the law of the metzora, on the day of his purification; he shall be brought to the kohen…” – Vayikra 14:2 זֹאת תִּהְיֶה תּוֹרַת הַמְּצֹרָע בְּיוֹם טָהֳרָתוֹ וְהוּבָא אֶל הַכֹּהֵן – ויקרא יד, ב A metzora, a person afflicted with tzora’as, must remain outside the encampment of the Jewish people until his tzora’as has healed. The metzora’s […]
Seeds of Rebirth
“…If a woman conceives and gives birth…” – Vayikra 12:2 אִשָּׁה כִּי תַזְרִיעַ וְיָלְדָה – ויקרא יב, ב Parshas Tazria derives its name from the brief discussion at the start of the parsha about the laws pertaining to childbirth. The bulk of the parsha, however, deals with laws concerning tzora’as, a supernatural condition affecting one’s skin, clothing, or the walls […]
Precious Possessions
“…The kohen shall order that they clear out the house before the kohen comes to look at the lesion, so that everything in the house should not become unclean…” – Vayikra 14:36 וְצִוָּה הַכֹּהֵן וּפִנּוּ אֶת הַבַּיִת בְּטֶרֶם יָבֹא הַכֹּהֵן לִרְאוֹת אֶת הַנֶּגַע וְלֹא יִטְמָא כָּל אֲשֶׁר בַּבָּיִת – ויקרא יד, לו A house plagued with tzora’as remains pure and […]
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