The World’s Belated Birthday…
“…..This day is the start of your handiwork, a remembrance if the first day…..” (Musaf prayer of Rosh Hashana) ״…זה היום תחילת מעשיך זכרון ליום ראשון….״ The first day of creation was not on Rosh Hashana, but five days earlier, on the 25th of Elul (see Vayikra Rabba 29). Only the 6th day of creation, the day that the first […]
Elul – Preparing For Rosh Hashana
Elul, Teshuva, What Is The Best way To Prepare For Rosh Hashana? For More Information On This Event, Please click Here:
The Sound of Simplicity – Month of Elul
The custom in the Rebbe’s home is to sound the shofar for training over the course of this day (the first day of Rosh Chodesh Elul, the 30th of Av), and to begin sounding the shofar after davening (Praying) on the second day of Rosh Chodesh. Why do we have a fixed day of Shofar practice before beginning the official […]
Wake, Search, Return
“…It is customary to sound the Shofar after Shacharis throughout the month of Elul, beginning on Rosh Chodesh…” – Rema, Orach Chaim 581:1 מראש חודש ואילך מתחילין לתקוע אחר התפילה שחרית – רמ”א או”ח תקפ”א, א The Rambam writes that the sounding of the Shofar conveys this message: “Sleepers, be roused, from your sleep! Slumberers, wake from your slumber! Search […]
Basic Teshuva in Two Steps
Throughout the month of Elul, Beginning from Rosh Chodesh it is customary to blow the shofar everyday after Shachris – Rem”a, Orach Chaim 581:1 The Rambam writes that the stirring sounds of the Shofar convey the following message: ‘Be roused, sleepers, from your sleep, and slumberers, wake from your slumber; search your deeds and return in teshuvah…’ (Laws of Teshuva […]
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