
December 12, 2018 at 1:55 PM
Julie asked 5 years ago
Shalom Rabbi Alon Anava! Can you please explain how a believer in Hashem can fulfill the mitzvahs in the book of Vayikra?  For example, animal sacrifices?  Everyday, we are in some state of sin whether it be in our deeds, words, or thoughts.  Therefore, how am I to be in right standing with Hashem and obtain His forgiveness if I am not bringing a proper sacrifice?  I understand that there is currently no temple to conduct such services.  So perhaps the mitzvahs must be understood from a spiritual perspective or sod level of understanding, and not taken in the literal?  I see the spiritual side making much more sense as I am the temple of Hashem and He is Spirit.  He is less concerned about a physical building since it has no soul. The soul is in the people. I'd appreciate your thoughts and look forward to hearing back from you.  Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. Shalom, Julie
1 Answers
Rabbi Yosef Karpman answered 5 years ago
Shalom,   You are correct in seeing the soul as the key in performing the sacrifices , and when we fast or avoid speaking gossip or sacrifice some personal / animalistic comfort or pleasure we allow the light of our soul to shine a little brighter.  We should understand the miraculous nature of our bodies and how they work as a reminder that every little sacrifice strengthens our souls influence over our body consciousness which mostly dominates our life.  The body is a temple operating on autopilot most of the time.  By graduating as pilots of our lives we begin to allow our souls to properly influence us to “sacrifice” some of our comforts or habits for the sake of heaven.   Best Wishes  R.Yosef Karpman