learning Torah

September 16, 2016 at 5:32 AM
Ushy asked 8 years ago
the rabbi said that a person has to learn 2 hours torah every day,i wana know if learning misur and saying mishna is called learning??basically what goes in the word learning torah??
1 Answers
Rabbi Alon Anava answered 8 years ago
Shalom, Learning Musar and Mishna is considered learning Torah. You also want to add to your daily learning Chumash (The weekly Parasha), reading Tehilim which is considered Torah learning. If possible also Gemara (Talmud). For sure you want to learn Halacha from Shulchan Aruch. You also want to learn a little Zohar and Chasidut. Just these topics can easily take 2-3 hours a day. All the best, Rabbi Alon Anava