Intermarriage with a ger toshav

September 26, 2016 at 2:59 PM
Y. ben Yosef asked 8 years ago
B\"H Rabbi, I\'ve watched a lot of your shiurim and noticed you don\'t seem to mention Ruach HaKodesh. I had a miraculous experience that conferred Ruach HaKodesh on me a couple years ago and now I\'m striving to be as frum as possible. After a year I was told to move across the world and start studying at a certain library every day; a month later, I was told to approach a stranger and strike up a conversation. I had met many women in that first year, some of whom threw themselves at me (as if the sitra achra was testing me), and the answer to \"Is this my soulmate?\" was always a resounding \"No!\" But this woman I was told to talk to, the entire universe conspired to push us together, and when I asked \"Is this my soulmate?\" the answer was \"YES.\" That answer hasn\'t changed this entire past year. However, she is not Jewish and is refreshingly honest about Judaism being too difficult and the life of a ger toshav being less dangerous. She\'s 100% committed to raising my children Jewish and participating where her participation is required, she just doesn\'t want to be liable for breaking the 613 mitzvot. Ruach HaKodesh insists that she\'s not supposed to convert as I had originally assumed, that she\'s supposed to remain as she is. In your videos you say there are righteous gentiles in Gan Eden Tachton, so why is marrying a ger toshav punishable by karet if it\'s my besherte? Why would Ruach HaKodesh try to ruin my life by misinforming me who to marry? Is it all cruel test to see whether I will trust the Rambam or HaShem more? Or a test to see whether I can find a legal loophole, maybe a loophole that only applies during Atchalta De\'Geulah? Surely you must have seen things that did not conform to the words of the Rambam; would you still obey your local Rav if you knew he was wrong and he was telling you you couldn\'t marry the wife you knew you were supposed to marry? Isn\'t a commandment directly from HaShem also called a commandment (even if it\'s not one of the 613)?
1 Answers
Rabbi Alon Anava answered 8 years ago
Shalom, I am sorry to disappoint you, but NO ONE in our generation has Ruach HaKodesh. I met the greatest Rabbis of our generation including the biggest Mekubals and NO ONE has Ruach HaKodesh or even close to that. I would assume that either the Sitra Hachra is confusing you or a different form of impure spirit is confusing you. For a Jew to marry a non-Jew is 100% prohibited in any situation and there are NO loopholes, and if you had Ruach HaKodesh, it would not instruct you different from what the Torah says, and that is the sign that it is NOT Ruach HaKodesh that is sending you messages because Ruach HaKodesh would NOT tell you to do something against what the Torah instructs us. Thank G-d we have the Torah and the Torah is VERY clear what we are allowed and not allowed to do. Follow the Torah 100% as there are no discounts or loopholes. If any form of communication is telling you otherwise, it is false and you should not believe it Wishing you success in finding your real other half (Unless she wants to convert) Rabbi Alon Anava