Dreaming of Shofars

January 10, 2017 at 2:52 PM
Michael asked 7 years ago
Rabbi, I had a dream I would like you to help me translate. I will attach also a picture of what I saw. In this dream I was with my twin and we sat at his table. The table was full of Shofars. As I looked at them I went to grab a shofar, however my brother was like NO. He then grabbed a shofar made of pure white Porcelain with the mouthpiece as a dove. After this I walked and I noticed that my hand had six fingers. What could this mean? I have been having many dreams of Shofars in 2016, many, and one of them scared me awake. I decided that night to sleep on my daughters bunk bed as they slept with their mouth. Above me hung my own shofar and I felt a wind, it scared me awake. I thought one of my kids had jumped into bed with me. I know that this is the 49th year since 1967 and next year is the Jubilee of Jerusalem. So the shofar dreams I assume make sense. But why a shofar with a dove? and made of earthware clay? Thanks,
Michael I couldn't attach the drawing, so imagine a shofar with a dove at the mouthpiece.
1 Answers
Rabbi Alon Anava answered 7 years ago
Shalom, Unfortuantly I do not know how to interpret dreams. It can defiantly be because we are so close to the coming of Mashiach and he will blow a shofar at that time. In the Torah in Parashat Noah it is talking about the dove that Noah sent to see if there is land and over there is a hint in between the words about the coming of Mashiach in the words 'Le'et Erev' לעת ערב. Which in my book about Mashiach I talk about it. So there is a connection between the dove to the redemption. The part that you were scared, could be that you (Your Neshama) feels you are not 100% ready for the coming of Mashiach and need to 'step it up' in your observance level. Either way, I am just suggesting ideas, I am in no way an authority to interpret dreams Bezrat Hashem your dreams will come a reality with the coming of Mashiach and we will hear the big shofar blow ביום ההוא יתקע בשופר גדול As it says in the book of Yeshayahu- Isaiah - Chapter 27/13 "And it shall come to pass on that day, that a great shofar shall be sounded, and those lost in the land of Assyria and those exiled in the land of Egypt shall come and they shall prostrate themselves before the Lord on the holy mount in Jerusalem." All the best R. Anava