Does a married women need to cover her hair to attend lectures at Beer Miriam?

December 24, 2017 at 6:19 AM
lisadavid185 asked 6 years ago
I would  like to attend the lectures at Beer Miriam.  Are these lectures open to all?  I understand dressing modestly -long skirt, long sleeves. Will it be considered rude if my hair is not covered? Thank you. (I am married, with 2 children, and I am interested in learning to increase the level of Torah and Halachic observance in our home.) I tried on my own, but its too difficult. I need help from a Rav. Thank you.
1 Answers
Atzmut answered 6 years ago
Shalom,  You are more than welcome to attend classes at Be'er Miriam without a hair cover. We have many lady's that are in different levels of observance  Please feel free and comfortable to come as you are Thanks