613 commandments

September 25, 2016 at 4:09 PM
Avi asked 8 years ago
You've mentioned in one of your lectures that the commandments that we can't do, we must learn about. What's the best system in doing that? To find out what all the 613 are and which ones i must learn about, and what's considered "learning about it"?
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1 Answers
Rabbi Alon Anava answered 8 years ago
Shalom, The list of all 613 commandments you can find on this page http://www.atzmut.com/what-are-the-613-commandments In the above list you can learn what are all 613 commandments and each ones source from the Torah. Since most of the commandments we can not do at this time as we must have the holy temple, priests, a King and possession of the land of Israel, we can only perform maybe 25% - 35% of the commandments. The commandments we can not perform we must do in the level of thought and speech and that is done by learning the oral law (Torah) and the commandment it self from the written Torah. We must learn about all 613 commandments. The only way of doing it is by learning Torah and the oral Torah such as the Mishna, Talmud and Shulchan Aruch (which is the book of Oral laws) Once you learn from all written and oral sources about the commandments, and you learn it out of a book by pronouncing the words with your mouth and by understanding the law, this is considered as if you learned it and like as if you did the commandment (in the level of thought and speech) I suggest you first learn Mishna and oral laws from Shulchan Aruch. Later you can start learning Gemara (Talmud) and from there you continue Good luck and all the best Rabbi Alon Anava