Paying back peoples money

October 6, 2016 at 4:08 PM
Menashe asked 8 years ago
Hi rebbi, My name is Menashe, I have an issue that I was hoping you can help me with. I became a ball teshuva about a year ago. I owe some people money and I am afraid that either I will pass away before I pay people back or massiach will come before I get a chance to pay them. Some of the people I don't even know where they are anymore. Because of this at times I'm in great distress. I don't have money and I don't know what to do. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you for everything you do,
1 Answers
Rabbi Alon Anava answered 7 years ago
Shalom, First of all, falling into great distress will not help any situation. You must have trust in Hashem that he will help you do your Teshuvah. The first thing you need to focus on is you need to pray real hard to Hashem to help you find the people you owe money too. One way of doing it, the holy Zohar explains that if you learn Torah all night without sleeping, and then in the morning you pray and ask Hashem to help you do Teshuvah and pay your debts, then Hashem will help you by sending you the right opportunities to do so. Try it, it worked very good for me! Next you want to do a lot of Tzorchei Tzibur (צורכי ציבור) helping out the public in any way you can. If you do not have money, you can help with your time, with your knowledge, with anything you can use to help another person. Help clean the Shul or the Yeshivah, help cook in a soup kitchen, help prepare shabbat meals at a place that hosts people for Shabbat, basically anything you can do to help others. Hashem see's that effort, that you go out of your way to help others, then he helps you. Another thing you can do, is if you know who you owe money too, is to approach them and explain the situation, that you don't have money at the time. Offer to pay in small payments or redeem the debt with work, meaning, you can do jobs for them OR (and I use to do that) offer to learn Torah on their behalf. I made a few deals with people I owed money too by learning Torah in their name and every hour of learning Torah was wroth X amount of money and that is how I paid off the debt. you can also ask to forgive you and they might forgive the debt. Wishing you great success in your Teshuvah. May Hashem help you reach your goals. Alon Anava