My husband.

November 9, 2018 at 1:49 AM
Massiel Yarden asked 5 years ago
Shalom Rabbi, I must say Baruch Hashem for your lectures! They had inspired me to become a better human being and a woman of G-d. Rabbi, Is the husband sanctifiedthrough His wife? My in laws are orthodox Jews, my husband is not, I am in Love with Hashem and His Torah, to the point of wanting to become a Tzadika in Him! But my husband doesn't keep Torah as I will love to. Besides prayer is there anything else I can do to have a healthy relationship? Thank you for your answer.    
1 Answers
Rabbi Yosef Karpman answered 5 years ago

Yes all prayers and support are good and yes the husband is sanctified through the wife.
Being inspired spiritually is great.  As for your question its important to realize that if you’re interested in converting it is a lengthy process and usually quite challenging.
Also If you wish to become more supportive of your husband following the Torah its important to understand that has to come from him and his own wishes.  If there is an outside external pressure to force him to change it can many times be counterproductive causing him to be less interested in the Torah.
Regardless of which path he chooses any prayer and support has an effect.
Best wishes in your journey together
R.Yosef Karpman